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Soccer sparks offers a low pressure, high skill learning environment which allows children to develop soccer skills without the stress of competitive play.

2 to 3 years - Kickin' with the Parents!

Setting off at a light trot, the most pressing priority here is something we refer to as ‘learning to learn.’

Simple problem-solving activities provide the perfect informal framework for encouraging our littlest sparks to advance their basic attention building and listening skills.By playing fun games that include specific actions and movements, children gain greater bodily control while simultaneously enhancing their blossoming balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. Aside from learning how to strike stationary and moving soccer balls during directional play, children and parents also get the opportunity to share those first unforgettable, goal-scoring moments. In essence, Soccer Sparks provides a fun, safe learning environment where your child will be encouraged to move from parent-supported participation, to active, independent interaction.

The Parent-Child classes are 30 minutes long and meet once a week.

3 to 4 years - Kick the Ball!

From light trot to gentle canter our budding 3 year old sparks are now at a point where they will be encouraged to participate in structured games and imaginative free-play.

Basic ball mastery is encouraged through thoughtfully designed fun and engaging games. In addition, child interaction and cooperation is actively encouraged as our coaches seek to stimulate greater social skills, sharing and overall team play - giving our sparks the internal confidence to step away from their parents and care-takers, and stand proud on their own feet. At this point the Soccer Sparks classes really start to have an impact on improving a child’s physical dexterity and large motor skill development through a variety of fun games such as 'Busy Bee.' The arrival of these new found skills paves the way for our little sparks to learn how best to move through the gears and how to change direction comfortably with the ball at their feet.

The 3 year old classes are 30 minutes long and meet once a week.

4 to 5 years - Dribble, Kick and Pass!

Dazzle with your footwork! The 4-5 year old class helps kids develop a lifelong love of soccer while they learn and improve on basic soccer skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, trapping, and shielding. At this level, kids begin to learn how to play within a group setting, and grasp the importance of sharing and cooperation with their peers and coaches. Our curriculum includes energetic and fun games that teach young kids the basics about playing with a group.

The 4-5 year old classes are 45 minutes long and meet once a week.


6 to 8 years - Youth Soccer

With more basic options now at their disposal, our next task is to couple your child’s blossoming physical and social confidence with a greater grasp of how to read the beautiful game. Passing, shielding, first touch play, and defending are all classic examples of simple skills that over time will become second nature. Add to this memory improvement, problem solving, and team awareness and your child will be quickly demonstrating all the hallmarks of a well-rounded individual with a wider appreciation of team play. Irrespective of what part sport plays in your child’s future, we truly believe the capacity to participate in controlled play, to think outside the penalty box, to concentrate on instructions, and to visually assess a moving game will provide your child with essential physical skills and mental development that will give them a leg up in all future endeavors. 

The 6-8 year old classes are 45 minutes long, and meet once a week.

9 to 12 years - Youth Soccer II

In this class we continue building on individual player skills while putting more of a focus on team play. Here players develop and adapt their abilities by learning how to use them in creative and expressive ways throughout and during the beautiful game. More intermediate and advanced skills are introduced in addition to the fundamentals, such as dribbling moves, juggling and – the most fun of all – accurate shooting.

The 9-12 year old classes are 60 minutes long, and meet once a week.


Soccer Sparks
Plano, Texas  

Phone: 469-878-8550
Email: [email protected]

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